The growth of the gaming industry is very rapidly requiring new ones making gamers not only playing but working. Almost all games are very few that give achievements for gamers, but their achievements should be we give a mark of respect for what they do. has now come before you are a new invasion for gamers to show their intelligence in completing a game.
IQeon is a PvP desprasation game platform, which allows game players to earn real fiat money after their achievement. IQeon is also an infrastructure that allows the integration of games, applications and other services based on intelligent competition among users and applications and services to be motivated. with several goals that will continue to be developed in this project are: 1. For further development of IQeon Platform. 2. Creation of IQon ecosystems. 3. the formation of viewers from the Application Platform involved with game users. 4. Set partnerships with game developers and game content for platforms. 5. Development of the right IQ Clash game based on platform.
Meaning Platform Meaning
The IQeon team has developed a flexible and scalable platform to accelerate the launch of new products that allow players to bracket multiple intelligent and logical tasks. and juaga will receive internal currency for best results. as well as in the development of the IQeon platform is a motivational application, because this direction is important in the field of education, sports, and adherence to a healthy lifestyle.
On the ridge there is a lot of riches, you can authorize the organisation of PvP z's with the sounds of fixing and automatic switching.
IGeo scenarios on the IQeon platform allow Gravtsi to enter the Superjet with me, Robot betting on IQeon for the free download. The system automatically vyplatit peremogu peremozhyu.
Authors vmіlogo іntelektualnogo vmistu do not mogul mozhnosty monetizuvati its robot without seryoznikh іnvestitsіy at the disposal of technologicheskikh rishen, such yak mobylny dodatki.
It is based on the IQeon SDK platform, the decoder of the add-ons is bent for the add-on of the roblobs in the game, so that you can master the new programs on the basics of the scenarios and the mecha- nisms with the minimum numeric values.
Otrimanya payment in igrah those mobile appendages through the App Store and Google Play are affected by a high comission (30%).
The total sum of commissions for exchanging a token for IQeon (IQN) in fiduciary pennies is not guilty of overhauling 10%.
Vigrash rozrobnikov at pribannі іgor є unikalnim.
IQeon platform allows the scribe to crash the coins for a leather bet.
Perevagi for korestustachiv
1. ecological zone
The internal currency is IQeon, it is paid in one match and can be entered deinde. neimovirno, tse no dojo good, that yo yo can vikoristovuvat be-de to be reckoned with.
2. Інші криптообмінні currencies.
Vikoristovuchi deilka korichchnih obminnyh cipher, IQeon toxins can be exchanged for cryptographic currency (crock, leitokin, ether, etc.). í tse takozh tsykavo, which can be exchanged for the latest cryptographic coins.
3. Iroon wartost IQeon
The fate of calling roses in the ecosystem of IQeon and expanding production in the country, calling for the murder of IQeon residents. Tse is corny for crustaceans, the same maidut those items that will suck well, scraps go to the market for IQeon zbilshitsya token.
4. The Zahist in Shaharism
Vicoran technology of IT security is contractual, guaranteeing the safety of the device, but you must decide whether it needs to be modified and modified, and also to ensure the payment of vigils.
Vicoran technology of IT security is contractual, guaranteeing the safety of the device, but you must decide whether it needs to be modified and modified, and also to ensure the payment of vigils. The technology of future inaction.
Information about tokens
The IQeon (IQN) marker will be released on the Ethereum platform and fully complies with the ERC20 standard. The support of this standard guarantees the compatibility of the token with the services of third parties (wallets, exchanges, lists, etc.) and provides easy integration with these services. The Ethereum platform fully supports the Dapps concept through the built-in Solidity language for writing intellectual contracts that will be used to implement a number of functions on the IQeon platform (payment transactions, fixing dispute conditions, paying out winnings and rewards).
- Name of the token: IQeon token
- Token Token: IQN
- Total delivery: 10,000,000
PreSale Date:
- Round 1: December 15, 2017 - December 24, 2017 (500,000 IQN)
- Round 2: January 8, 2018 - January 15, 2018 (800,000 IQN)
- ICO Date: January 30, 2018 - March 13, 2018 (IQN 5,700,000)
Token Price:
- Round 1: 1 ETH = 700 IQN
- Round 2: 1 ETH = 550 IQN
- ICO: 1 ETH = 325 IQN

Acceptable currencies: ETH, BTC, LTC
Tokens that were not sold at the preICO and ICO stages will be burned.
Q3 2016 to
Pokhozhennya ідеї is platformed by IQeon. Розробка концепції та бізнес-плану.
4T 2016
The scam of the legal model is organized by IQeon in the various jurisdictions. Залучення інвестицій у розмірі 50 000 доларів США. Розробка механіки ігрового процесу.
Q1 2017
Залучення інвестицій. Реєстрація компанії IQ Clash OU. Stvorennya the commander.
Q2 2017 to the rock
Залучення консультантів. The roller is prototype IQeon. Technical audit. The IQ Clash program for mobile is platform-based.
Q3 2017 to Rock
The model of partnership in the ecosystem of IQeon. Пошук партнерів. Договір with the bank-partner. IQ Clash API. Ponnit rozlobku is platformed. The ear of the form of ekosistem (ponad 30 partners).
4T 2017
Preparation before ICO. The expansion of the telecommunication contract for the launch of the IQN marker. Realization of Preico and ICO. Prodozhuyu rozrabku platform. Prokodzhennya formovaniya ekosistemi (ponad 100 partnerіv).
Q1 2018
The IQeon API. IQeon Web Accumulation. Перевірте взаємодію між API IQeon і API IQ Clash. IQ Clash. Перелік маркерів IQN в криптографічних біржових біржах. Postnit marketing campaign, shob zaluchit kintsevyh korostustachiv.
Q2 2018
Scenery block-scheme Keruvania pidsistemi IQeon. API IQeon in the programs. The launch of beta-version is platformed. To fill the IQeon kitty box.
Q3 2018
The launch is platformed by IQeon that cat. The issue of debit cards MasterCard. Prodzhenzhenya active marketingovye Campaign for zaluchennia kintsevyh korostustachiv.
4th quarter of 2018
The development of the Great Yekosystem (since 2000 partnerships, 45 programs IQ Clash, 2.5 million Active Corridors). IQeon SDK.
Q1 2019
Launch the IQeon SDK. Розробка додаткової ігрової механіки. Get partnerships before the release of new programs on the SDK framework.
Q2 2019
In addition to the technology AI in the IQeon API and IQeon SDK. Dodavannya list of new mehanizmіv gris z vikoristannyam AI.
Q3 2019 to
Розробка ігрової техніки з використанням технологій AR / VR. Integration with add-ons IQeon API for PS, Xbox and others.
4th quarter of 2019
Dodatkova rozborka ekosistemi IQeon (10 000 partners, 150 programs IQ Choque, 15 000 000 active korostustachiv).
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ETH Address: 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79
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