Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

EQUI Associate Degree Yang Mengasyikkan Dengan Cryptocurrency Union

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Pasar adalah salah satu dari banyak jenis sistem, institusi, prosedur, hubungan sosial dan infrastruktur dimana pihak-pihak dilibatkan dalam pertukaran. meskipun pihak-pihak tersebut akan bertukar produk dan layanan dengan barter, sebagian besar pasar memikirkan penjual Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia menyediakan produk atau layanan mereka dan juga tenaga kerja dengan imbalan uang dari pelanggan. Hal ini di atas bahwa pasar adalah bahwa metode dengan itu biaya produk dan layanan ditetapkan persegi. Rumah kaca memfasilitasi perdagangan dan memungkinkan distribusi dan alokasi sumber daya di dalam masyarakat.

Modal ventura adalah jenis ekuitas swasta, suatu bentuk pembiayaan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan atau dana ke kecil, tahap awal, perusahaan baru yang dianggap memiliki potensi pertumbuhan tinggi atau yang telah menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang tinggi. Perusahaan modal ventura atau dana investasinya pada tahap awal perusahaan sebagai imbal hasil ekuitas atau kepemilikan saham, di perusahaan yang mereka investasikan. Seorang broker modal mengambil risiko membiayai usaha kecil berisiko dengan harapan beberapa perusahaan yang mereka dukung akan sukses. Start up ukuran persegi terkadang mendukung teknologi inovatif atau model bisnis dan biasanya dari industri hi-tech, seperti teknologi info, teknologi bersih atau bioteknologi.

EQUI adalah associate degree yang mengasyikkan dengan cryptocurrency union yang baru dengan platform investasi inovatif tingkat asosiasi yang dirancang pada teknologi Ethereal Blockchain, EQUI mengganggu pasar investasi bisnis kuno dan memberdayakan komunitas kripto untuk menghalangi generasi penerus investor modal. Mengadopsi EQUItokens, investor akan dapat membeli saham di perusahaan kewiraswastaan ​​yang baru muncul dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasi dan penghargaan yang besar.

EQUI akan menjadi sumber terbaik peluang investasi di aset dunia nyata, perusahaan teknologi generasi mendatang dan bisnis dengan kemampuan revolusioner pasar. EQUI dapat memenangkan inovator dan mendukungnya dengan menyediakan data, kemudi dan wawasan bisnis yang luas untuk mengembangkan bisnis mereka. Situs web resmi https://www.equi.capital/

Investor: apakah peserta melakukan EQUItokens melawan peluang di platform EQUI atau tidak. jumlah komitmen benar-benar serbaguna dan ditentukan oleh selera investor selama proyek tertentu. Investor bisa menerima keuntungan ketujuh puluh (pro rata) dari hasil yang mereka investasikan.
Pemegang: Pemegang ukuran persegi peserta Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia lebih suka memegang token mereka di platform EQUI sambil tidak mengerjakan proyek. Pemegang menerima lima pemukul (pro rata) dari keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari proyek.
Pedagang: Pedagang ar peserta Nilai lembaga PBB lebih tinggi untuk mengambil token mereka dari platform EQUI dan hanya seperti kenaikan dalam nilai token.
Ringkasan Strategi & Pengembalian Investasi

EQUIcredits adalah bagian dari struktur penghargaan Investor. Investor yang melakukan EQUItokens untuk proyek-proyek di Platform EQUI akan berpartisipasi dalam skema loyalitas EQUIcredits. Alokasi EQUIcredits setara dengan 5% peserta yang menginvestasikan EQUItokens.EQUIcredits yang diberikan akan diubah menjadi EQUItokens pada akhir setiap tahun dan ditransfer ke dompet EQUI. Generasi EQUIcredits berasal dari peningkatan persediaan EQUItoken tahunan sebesar 5% secara keseluruhan.

Pra-Penjualan: 1 Maret 2018 - Bonus 8 Maret 2018 + 25%

ICO Publik:

  • 8 Maret 2018 - 15 Maret 2018 + 15% Bonus
  • 15 Maret 2018 - 22 Maret 2018 + 5% Bonus
  • 22 Maret 2018 - 31 Maret 2018 Bonus 0% (Tanpa Bonus)
  • Token Nama: EQUI
  • ICO Open: 1 Maret 2018
  • Token Suply: 250million
  • Token Harga: $ 0,50
  • Pembayaran yang diterima untuk presale adalah USD, GBP, EUR dan Bitcoins.

Strategi dan Pengembalian Investasi

Melalui struktur penghargaan yang unik, setiap pemegang EQUItoken akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari hasil yang direalisasikan, dijamin semua kepentingan selaras. EQUI berusaha memberi penghargaan kepada para peserta yang memiliki visi bersama, menawarkan struktur insentif yang disempurnakan bagi mereka yang diinvestasikan EQUItokens mereka dalam proyek investasi yang mendasari yang dipamerkan di platform EQUI.

Manfaat Manfaat Potensi

  • Investor yang melakukan EQUItokens terhadap peluang pada platform EQUI akan menerima 70% dari keuntungan yang dihasilkan.
  • Tidak ada batasan jumlah proyek yang telah dipilih untuk diinvestasikan.
  • Sebagai penghargaan tambahan, Investor akan menerima alokasi EQUItokens lebih lanjut melalui sistem loyalitas EQUIcredits, yang dihitung sebesar 5% dari jumlah investasi EQUItokens.

Pemegang yang membeli EQUItokens dan mempertahankannya di platform EQUI tanpa investasi akan menerima 5% keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari portofolio investasi yang direalisasikan. Ini menyediakan token yang diadakan selama 3 bulan sebelum distribusi.

Pedagang yang membeli EQUItokens dan membelinya di bursa pihak ketiga menerima penyempurnaan dalam harga token.

Pedagang yang membeli EQUItokens dan membelinya di bursa pihak ketiga menerima penyempurnaan dalam harga token.


Berinvestasi dalam usaha visioner dengan potensi untuk mengacaukan pasar sering menuai penghargaan luar biasa saat mereka masuk ke pasar besok. Imbalan semacam itu yang terbatas pada elite yang memiliki akses istimewa. EQUI meruntuhkan penghalang aksesibilitas dan mengantarkan portal investasi masa depan. EQUI akan menawarkan pilihan, akses dan kontrol keuangan.

Platform investasi revolusioner kami yang menyatu dengan teknologi blockchain akan memanfaatkan kekuatan masyarakat global untuk memberikan dukungan bagi bisnis kewirausahaan. EQUI memiliki kemampuan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan dan penyatuan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan oleh tim.

EQUI ditakdirkan untuk menjadi pusat utama bagi investor baru dan berpengalaman yang ingin menjadi bagian dari usaha perubahan permainan berikutnya.

Token & ICO

Insentif bonus diberikan kepada pengadopsi awal. Tabel di bawah menguraikan jadwal peluncuran ICO:

  • Nama Aset: EQUI
  • Total Token Supply: 250 juta EQUItokens
  • Harga Dalam USD: $ 0,50
  • Hutang In: Bitcoins (BTC), Etalas (ETH), Litekin (LTC), Ripple (XRP).

EQUI meluncurkan ICO untuk para pengadopsi awal yang ingin mendukung visi kami. Penjualan token kami akan memungkinkan percepatan pengembangan teknis dan semua aspek bisnis lainnya, termasuk infrastruktur dan personil tambahan.

Sebuah pra-penjualan akan berlangsung dari 1 Maret sampai 8 Maret 2018. Tingkat investasi minimal sebesar $ 100.000 diperlukan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pra-penjualan.
ICO publik akan berlangsung dari 8 Maret sampai 31 Maret 2018. Tingkat investasi minimal $ 100 akan berlaku untuk ICO publik, pada pada yang mana peraturan.

Distribusi Token
Distribusi EQUItokens tergantung pada jangka panjang bagi investor:
  • Token 65% akan tersedia untuk umum melalui proses pra-penjualan dan ICO.
  • 12% akan didistribusikan ke Pendiri EQUI, dengan masa kunci enam bulan.
  • 15% akan terkirim ke Tim EQUI, setiap tiga bulan, selama periode dua tahun, pada tanggal kunci dalam enam bulan.
  • 6% akan dibagikan ke Dewan Penasehat setiap tiga bulan, selama dua tahun, subjek ke periode lock-in enam bulan.
  • 2% akan tersedia untuk Bounty Rewards.

Pembayaran yang Diterima

Pembayaran yang diterima untuk presale adalah USD, GBP, EUR dan Bitcoins. Di ICO publik, EQUI hanya bisa didukung dengan Bitcoins (BTC), Ethereal (ETH), Litecoins (LTC), dan Ripple (XRP). Dasar cryptocurrecy adalah Ethereum. Cryptocurrencies lainnya akan ditukar melalui Shapeshift API.

Token yang Belum Ditarik

Jika salah satu token yang dialokasikan untuk penjualan publik tetap tidak terjual di akhir ICO, 50% akan dibagikan kepada peserta ICO secara pro rata. Sisanya 50% akan kembali ke EQUI dan akan digunakan untuk mendukung.
Struktur ini melindungi investor dengan hanya mereka yang berpartisipasi dalam ICO untuk menerima token gratis, membantu mengendalikan spekulasi harga.

Penggunaan Hasil

Dana yang dihasilkan dari ICO akan memungkinkan penyelesaian EQUI terdesentralisasi
Kami juga berencana untuk menyediakan infrastruktur dan sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk mendukung bisnis EQUI. Setiap dana surplus akan digunakan oleh EQUI untuk berinvestasi dalam proyek bersama pemegang token.

Peta Jalan

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi link berikut ini:

Bitcointalk Profil (Arumi.Bilqis) : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=965668

ETH Saya : 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79

Selasa, 27 Februari 2018


Image result for luxcess image

Warm greeting friends back again with barrels, with post barrel it will be info about Luxcess-Group, surely friends friends asked what is Luxcess-Group, Luxcess-Group usability for what, convincing what not, barrels explaining all questions Remember all friends .

Luxcess-Group is the first Investment found with zero commissions and lifetime awards for contributors.


To help people become part of a large investment family. On the other hand, the goal is to enable transparent management and capital escalation for as many people as possible. We always believe that teamwork, information and cutting edge discipline are crucial to success. We will not only join investments, such as crypto trading, crypto trading, forex trading, silver and gold and start the project, but will also integrate the general public into the extended family, which will increase the profits generated. and provide a better tomorrow than all of its members.


Image result for luxcess image

The outline is as follows:


We have been stuck on a very good system for years. It combines an investment portfolio, experience, and diversified cooperation.


Because it has been emphasized, the most important pillar of our vision is teamwork. Our team is bound by a common goal - the realization of the project we've started.


The Luxcess Group ensures the clarity and understanding of the whole story, as we believe that this is the only path to success and general satisfaction.


Luxcess Group is a young innovative group, which stands firmly that it is always important to follow the trend.


The Luxcess Team has created the Royal platform, where you invested your tokens after purchase. At that point, you decide whether you invested a token in the Hold or LXC index. The Royal Luxcess Hold is an option where you store and store your tokens safely. You then make a profit or lose it, depending on whether the token price rises or falls on the official stock market. You can transfer your token to Royal Luxcess Trading at any time, or withdraw it and put in your wallet. Investing tokens at Royal Luxcess Trading gives you additional opportunities to make a profit. All the lxc tokens you invest in the trade will be scattered in your existing portfolio. Gains and losses will be recorded in the internal combined LXC index, and your results will be based on it. The LXC Index shows the percentage of performance growth or profit, created in the full portfolio of the Luxcess Group. Thus, ideas and platforms are designed in such a way that ensures quick and fast usage, as everything can be done with a few mouse clicks.

Image result for luxcess image

LXC Token

The lxc Token is the ice layer of Luxcess Group, the people who believe in our team and this project will generate more extra money with our token LXC. Crypto analysts believe that more than 90% of coins or tokens have no future. There is an important difference between having an idea and making it happen. They believe that the path from an idea to its realization is long and difficult; Therefore, only the strongest dare to cope. The Luxcess Group team has developed a system that guarantees long-term benefits. We will achieve a very good token price on the market, because investing in our project is only possible with our LXC token. LXC prices will be stable and constant growth will be guaranteed, which is a guarantee that more people will invest in our tokens. In time, more money is needed to buy tokens, which is the only option for people to join.

For Investors.

The intention of the Luxcess Group is to introduce investment to the general public. We wish to introduce it as an activity in which can be involved. Thus, the idea and the platforms are designed in a way that ensures a fast and quick use, since everything can be done with some clicks of the mouse.
We are the first project that offers you three types of earnings: the coin price growth, a reward in case of your support from the outset, and Royal Luxcess Trading.

Token details.

  • Token symbol: LXC
  • Total supply: 35 000 000
  • Token price: 1LXC = 0.15 $



Image result for luxcess roadmap image


Image result for luxcess team image

Image result for luxcess team image

For more information visit our official website:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuxcessGroup

Bitcointalk (Arumi.Bilqis) : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=965668

ETH : 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79

Buzzshow Offers A Fresh Decentralized Approach To The Online

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What is a BuzzShow?

Buzzshow is one of the first social networking video sites to adopt blockchain technology to provide a platform that places the interest of creators, curators and viewers first. Blockchain uses Goldies as a crypto that provides incentives for creating, sharing and viewing videos on BuzzShow. Platform members not only earn as creators of content, but also earn when they share videos and when they view videos. This is the first fully developed social video network that lets everyone get involved in contributing and making money on the platform.

Buzzshow offers a fresh decentralized approach to the online video market that will restore power to the hands of creators, curators, and consumers on the market base. Based on a decentralized book system, so that the content, curator and consumer community can decide among themselves what values ​​are appropriate for each other's services, without a central party standing up to take most of the profits. This means the opportunity for all users to receive economic rewards every time they sign up, view, upload, recommend or share videos.

This platform intends for us IPFS (InterPlanetary File Sharing) in future releases to ensure its content is completely decentralized. This allows files to be stored without relying on a centralized database as most video sites rely on. As a result, it is not susceptible to DOS attacks or ransomware attacks because the video will be held in many systems. The benefits are faster, more open and more secure than centralized, centralized video encoding methods. This technology is useful for BuzzShow as it allows the platform to be completely decentralized while saving bandwidth costs.

How BuzzShow works in Blockchain

The platform will use InterPlanetary File Sharing (IPFS) to ensure content is completely decentralized. IPFS is a content-addressable hypermedia peer-to-peer distribution protocol designed to create a method of sharing and storing decentralized and permanent files. This allows files to be stored without relying on centralized databases as relied upon by most video sites.

As a result, it is not susceptible to DOS attacks or ransom attacks because the video will be held on multiple devices. The benefits are faster, more open and more secure than the video streaming methods that depend on the database. This technology is useful for BuzzShow as it allows the platform to be completely decentralized while saving bandwidth costs.

Buzzshow feature

Users on the platform will earn money while uploading their first video on the platform. This is a very simple way to earn Goldies even before the demand on the site develops. They can also get every referral confirmed on this site. As soon as users sign up based on their referrals, they also earn some Goldies.

Another feature is the ability to create channels and upload videos for free. There are no paid options that offer content creators greater capital opportunities. Everyone starts at the same price, and it's absolutely free for everyone. This makes the company reluctant to pay special treatment on stage.

They will support their favorite creators by sending Goldies. Goldies will not be subject to any outrageous transaction costs such as Patreon and other donation platforms, but rather near zero micro-transaction costs. This will ensure that creators get the support they need.


Products Developed & Tested
BuzzShow Stage 1 has been developed, tested and available online, see for yourself!
Most Token Sale begins when the platform is only in the conceptual stage, only with white paper to support the funds collected in Token Sale. BuzzShow Token Sale is different. We offer a developed and tested platform and will use the funds to make it operate with blockchain technology and also to develop a strong user base quickly.

Third Generation Blockchain Technology
The ensuing release of the BuzzShow platform will be based on third-generation Blockchain technology, providing the benefits of non-existent transaction costs, capacity, stability, and adequate security that are critical to social media networks.

 Your Content, Your Privacy, Your Rights
Instead of protecting consumers, social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, have traded privacy for profit and free speech for censorship.
The BuzzShow social media network will give its users full control and ownership of their content, including distribution criteria, monetization and selection, while disabling only proven illegal content.

Reward Based Social Media Video Network
Platforms like YouTube & Facebook do not give any creators and curators any respect and certainly do not reward viewers despite the exponential growth of the online video market. BuzzShow creates new reward-based incentive based incentives based on the popularity of online video content, rewarding Goldies users for creating, curating, sharing & viewing videos.


  • The BuzzShow core is the embedded Goldies on the BuzzShow platform.
  • The new BuzzShow crypto currency will be integrated in the BuzzShow migration to
  • Token based blockchain.


  • 150,000,000
  • 93,000,000 (62%)
  • 1 TOKEN = 0.25 USD
  • 20 M USD


  • TOKENS FOR 62%
  • TEAM 8%
  • 2% ADVISOR





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Hasil gambar untuk buzzshow image

If my explanation is less clear or less satisfactory, you can visit the link below for more details:

My ETH Address : 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79

Senin, 26 Februari 2018

MARK.SPACE Ecosystem Maintains Everything

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Platform MARK.SPACE - is a platform with an open initial code for creating 3d / VR areas and objects of any rewriting, as well as for their quick deployment and integration in a unique ecosystem. The platform sustains itself and operates on the basis of blockchain technology.

The MARK.SPACE ecosystem maintains everything on the internet browser (mostly Chrome) and at the same time compatible with CardBoard, Oculus and HTC Vive. A computer or laptop is all that is needed to create a modern VR store, office, community or other space for business or entertainment.

We present you with the first four areas: "Residences", "Business", "Community" and "Shopping", but new types of areas will be added in the future, such as the "Education" and "Entertainment" areas. The process of adding new areas and buildings will be carefully monitored to exclude its impact on the market value of existing virtual real estate.

Hasil gambar untuk citra mark space


"Shopping" area At the moment, we digitized entire stores
demonstrating the capabilities of our platform. Particular attention is devoted to the improvement of technologies necessary for the sale of clothing in a virtual environment.

In the near future there will be a global change and instead of the usual Internet there will be 3D-Internet. By combining virtual and mixed reality technology, as well as crypto currency, you can create a new economy that in the future will in whole or in part replace the current online economy. Apply this idea in fact it could be a Mark.Space company. http://www.mark.space/

As a rule, the creation of VR projects is expensive and takes a lot of time. For consumption of VR content, also need to install special expensive equipment: VR glasses, helmets, controllers. All of these devices have limitations and can only be used in special places. That was until the moment when the Mark.Space company appeared.

The idea of ​​this company is to facilitate the implementation and launch of the VR / 3D project, at a minimal cost. All projects implemented on the Mark.Space platform will be available on conventional devices.

The Mark.Space company in this idea invested 2.5 years and $ 5 million of its own funds. All these resources follow the study of VR technology, the creation of prototypes and business circles. As a result of these works, the company created the M1 platform, which can be tested in demo mode.

The M1 platform will allow you to use uncomplicated 3D technology, now to get around the world, you just need any computer, phone, tablet and browser.

Mark.Space was founded in 2015 and has implemented the VR project. They created a prototype social platform where users can create their own virtual space and fill it with furniture, paintings and other details as well as a digital shopping center with stores and details.

After selling the token, the company plans to improve the prototype of the social network and add additional features to it. The existing prototype allows, to produce residence, office, shopping center and fill it with interior items. In the future, the company plans to expand the range of opportunities and provide the addition of digital content: articles, books, pictures, music.

Action plan

Hasil gambar untuk gambar roadmap mark space


Voor meer information:

ETH : 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

Darico-Is An Ideal Simple Access Gateway For Crypto Investors And Provides

Bild Ergebnis für Darico Bild

Investors are people who allocate capital in anticipation of future financial returns. Investment types include derivatives such as stocks, bonds, real estate, currencies, commodities, tokens, put options and call options, futures and futures. There is no distinction between the primary market and the secondary market in this definition. It is a person who provides business with capital, and those who purchase stock are both investors. Investors who own shares are shareholders. Encryption is a digital asset designed to act as a medium of exchange using cryptography to protect transactions and control the creation of additional currency units. The encryption currency is part of the alternative currency, specifically from the digital currency.

Darico is an ideal simple access gateway for crypto investors and provides exclusive access to all Darico's investment tools such as wallets, terminals, liquidity pool, exchanges, debit cards, index funds .

Official website https://darico.io/en/

How to use

* Three elements of Darico: At least 90% of the total amount procured during ICO heading towards purchasing assets to collect Darico Coin. According to the proportion of its asset basket, 55% of the funds will be converted to Bitcoin, 35% to gold and 10% to ether.

* Automatic Mining: Through automatic mining, Genesis accounts will issue new coins every day for 18 years until they reach the limit of 24 million. All account holders of Dalico origin share emissions based on current holdings. Origin account ownership and future coin rights can be transferred.

* Darico Wallet: Darico has easy access to crypto transactions for users who are not technical. I developed an app wallet and a Darico debit card. In Dalico, the possibility of seamless trading on the web and the promotion of new types of investment are infinite as long as they are exciting.

Menu providing DARICO WALLET

Add coins to your watch list to track coins. Please integrate the current BTC and ETH wallets to make maximum use of investment. With Darico, the possibilities of seamless trading are endless as long as they are exciting.


A safe and accessible cryptocurrency exchange that allows you to easily purchase, sell and trade cryptocurrencies. To make Dalico's ecosystem a seamless encryption trip, we will collate buyers and sellers.


The Darico application is a gateway to gather cryptographers' communities and access Darico's wallet, news, transactions and index information. Trading with cryptocurrency is by no means easy.

Index Fund

A diverse portfolio of highly liquid encrypted currencies is monitored, analyzed and readjusted weekly. Daliko's Index Fund will help Dalico's portfolio secure liquidity and profitability.

Liquid pool

Darico's liquidity pool is fully regulated and allows large investors to be involved. The liquidity pool provides stability throughout the Dalico ecosystem and functions as a liquidity pool for new Darico products.

Debit card

You can easily get your DRC coin at any time. Your Darico debit card is linked to your Darico Wallet and you can immediately access your DRC coin.

Darico Coin is a utility token specially designed to give people the power by providing professional and easy-to-use investment tools for owners to make informed cryptographic investment decisions. Holders of Darico · coins will receive exclusive access to the entire Dalico ecosystem including wallets, terminals, liquidity pools, index funds, debit cards, exchanges and various specialized services.

DRC is a utility token that the owner uses to access the products and services available within the Darico ecosystem. The value of the DRC token is driven by the liquidity pool holding both Bitcoin and Ether together with its gold to provide its basic value and safety net, its use and its investment in it, and gold.

  • The total number of Darico · coins is limited to 240 million
  • Darico ICO will start on January 30, 2018
  • The ICO runs for 6 months and ends on July 30, 2018
  • Minimum investment: $ 10
  • Price per DRC: US ​​$ 1
  • Symbol: DRC
  • 25% or $ 60 million: Available during the ICO period.

Joining this project and purchasing To purchase Token Dalico (DRC) you need to login and register for this link:
Please fill in the form provided and correct it.


Hopefully your DRC coin is always in your hands. Your Darico debit card connects to your Darico wallet, giving you instant access to your DRC coins for daily crypto transactions.


A secure and accessible cryptocurrency exchange where you can easily buy, sell and trade crypto cardiacs. We match Buyers with sellers to create the Darico ecosystem as an unlimited kryito journey.


Darico: The Past, Now, and the Future

Bild Ergebnis für Darico Bild

Meet the people behind the vision

Meet Darico's advisor

For More Information Visit

My ETH Address : 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79