Project - Lamden
Posted by kerapucoin on November 28, 2017 in Motivation In recent years, we have seen an influx of blockchain technologies that hit the market. This technology touted as a tool to end the centralized banking and financial system. However, this obstacle depends on a system of defects that does not take into account the application of these technologies into the current infrastructure space. As
As a result, blockchain technology varies from major financial systems, and therefore ironically hindered by it reach its final destination.
The Lamden project is an attempt to create software development tools that increase the mass adoption of blockchain technology so that infrastructure can communicate the market system and lead to realistic innovations in the marketplace On this white paper we criticize the current market situation, and how we plan to improve this space.
Problems with current Blockchain Implementation
There are many fundamental flaws with blockchain architecture that prevents it from becoming mainstream technology. This weakness is on the user side and the developer / service provider side. Laid out is the areas in which we fix the current blockchain implementation with this project.
Transaction fees
First, let's look at the problem with transaction costs from the end user's point of view. The key to success at Crypto space is a mass adoption of Bitcoin in the international market. As it stood at the time of this writing, on average The transaction fee for Bitcoin transactions is about 6% 1 . Compared to centralized systems like PayPal2 , Mastercard3, and Visa4 , Bitcoin is actually about twice as expensive. It should be noted the basics of cardiac crypto is why the user feels justified by this discrepancy. That Decentralized nature of ownership exceeds the additional cost. However, on a macroeconomic scale, cost efficiency will be greater than the fundamental attraction
"But what about Ethereal? Their transaction fee is only 0.3%!" While this is true, the Ethereal blockade is not designed as a network transfer value5 like Bitcoin, but
not a smart contract network to allow unreliable and decentralized software systems. We must remember that Users instead pay the number of operations that occur on the chain and the number of these operations continues increasing as more and more smart contracts are compiled deployed. Ethereal's main selling point is its ability to add smart contracts as 'libraries' that work in the same way as frameworks in other software development piles ie to automate operations and processes so that users do not have to rewrite over and over again. So we can It safely assumes that over time, as more complex intelligent contracts are created and more libraries are integrated, cost
interact with the main Ethereal barrier. This mechanism by charging developers on non-synced operations innovation and a complex intelligent contracting system so that Ethereum needs long-term success.
The development of blockchain applications need not be hard, partly because of this new technology, but also because of certain limitations imposed on the current status quo how blockchains are used today. In this paper, we discuss issues with current blockchain implementation and solutions to this problem. We introduce Lamden: community software, and independent chain-to-chain communications to create a vast network of blockchain applications that can transfer any assets in the process.
Is a set of developers that speed up the revocation process and new and specialized apps. Token Lamden Tau connects this new project together and with main power crypto.
OFFERING THE PROJECT The Lamden project proposes the creation of a set of development tools that allows for the rapid development and deployment of a personal blocking system that mimics modern development processes are presented in piles such as Node.js or Python that provide a large number of convenient tools, extensive documentation and strong, and very popular support community.
Presale Details:
Symbol: TAU
October 29 - December 1.2017
Hardcap: 8,504 ETH
Price: 1 ETH = 11,833.5 Tau (22% bonus)
Total tokens to distribute: 99.119.393 TAU
Unlocked contribution limit
Token Sales Details:
Will be announced
Hard caps are determined at current Ethereal prices
9,713 Tau per Ether
Total tokens to distribute: 244.072.645 TAUs
Can be read in medium BLOG with Medium LINK
-500,000,000 tokens to be generated
- $ 10,000,000 capped total raise
Unclaimed tanks will be burned with full transparency.
- $ 2,500,000 presale (bonus% 22)
- $ 7,500,000 token sale (no level)
-Strong evidence (over 50,000,000) will be burned after the sale.
-Gart / graphic to display presale / launch (timeline road map like snake)
-Lamden has raised $ 150,000 in donations from the seed capital group.
Simple integration with applications
-Check full control over your token
-As in a matter of minutes
-No transactional costs internally or between chains
-Developer developer
-Design for developers by developers
Lamden will allow for the creation of extensive custom, private chains that can be simply integrated into other applications.
-The future project will be built with Lamden's framework, will encourage the adoption of TAU Token in the future
-Lamden Tau proprietary cryptoasset will facilitate chain-to-chain
-Setup Innovation Fund for Enterprise Case Study (ECS's), new applications,
hackathons, etc. to spur creation.
-Pedia to release a new blockchain app on top of Lamden for the real world
use the case of.
A project generator tool that simplifies creation, modification, and interaction with blockchains in development. Complete standard APIs, block explorers, and more of a box for some of the VMs and underlying chain technologies.

Community repositories hosted on IPFS that allow for the management of smart contract packages, new code divisions, and details of personal connections and community chains.

A distributed blockchain router that enables a trustless chain-to-chain transaction of any type that utilizes a high throughput network of payment channels.

A quick overview of LAMDEN project work supported by LINK below as a reference.
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My Bitcointalk (Arumi.Bilqis) :;u=965668
My ETH Address : 0x78A118ED0556B119ccafe86089a292A048234E79
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